Summer school on Quantum Chaos, Dissipation and Information
I have participated as a lecturer in a summer school in Nordita in Stockholm. It was really a pleasure to go back to Sweden and to Nordita after a few years, last time I was there I was a postdoc. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the school, thank in particular to Ivan Khaymovic for […]
New preprint about distribution of overlaps in the dynamics of quantum circuits (arXiv:2404.10057)
I am proud to announce a new work in collaboration with Amos Chan and my PhD student Alexios Christopoulos. We consider the evolution of a wave function starting from a simple product state under a generic quantum circuit. We then analyse the coefficients in the expansion of the wavefunction on the computational basis of q-bits. […]
New paper about the projected ensemble in random unitary circuits (arXiv:2402.16939)
With my collaborator Amos Chan, we finalised a new paper about the behavior of the projected ensemble and deep thermalisation in random unitary circuits. The question about projected ensemble has emerged in the recent years: the question one asks is whether the behavior of a subsystem A conditioned to the outcomes of the measurement in […]
Two preprints on universality in MIPTs
I am very happy that after a real tour de force at the end of the last year, we managed to put out two different papers proposing a random matrix description of the volume-law phase of measurement-induced phase transitions. As it is well known, in MIPTs, the effect of measurements is extremely weak and the […]